Planner Iteration
After planning my days using a paper planner for several years, I realized that a lot of my work could be automated. I have a lot of hobbies that I...
Custom Collisions
In Iron and Steel, a player can "push" and "pull" on metals in order to move the metals if they are movable or move the player if they are not....
Vision Selection
When developing Iron and Steel, a surprisingly difficult problem was determining what the player is selecting. Initially, the code checked if an object was within a cone (pointed from the...
PDF Optimization
Originally, AutoComic produced very large PDF files. Since I planned on using AutoComic on hundreds of comics, minimizing output filesize was a priority. After much experimentation, I found that PDF...
Splitting Images
In each version of AutoComic, handling comics larger than one page has been a difficult problem. If a comic image is taller than the pdf page size, the image must...
Parsing Links
When testing AutoComic on many different websites, I noticed something that I had never noticed before even when writing my own website: telling where a link goes is hard. An...
Images to PDF
AutoComic has been through many iterations each with its own challenges. In each iteration, converting images into a pdf document has been an interesting problem. Original Version The original version...
Signal Handling
Since AutoComic can take quite a while to run (downloading thousands of webpages and images can be slow), I designed it to be able to be stopped at any time....