AutoComic is a python script that turns a webcomic into a pdf. It visits each comic page sequentially, downloads the images, and puts the images (and other information) into a...
Comic CMS
Comic CMS is a work-in-progress web app. I'm a fan of webcomics and would eventually like to make one myself. I personally feel that a lot of webcomic interfaces could...
Dungeon Divers
Dungeon Divers is the BYU student game for 2019-2020. We're still working on finishing it, but will finish it during the summer of 2020. When it is done, we will...
Iron and Steel
Mistborn: Iron and Steel is a small 3D platformer. Garrick Hilliard and I worked on it together. We both contributed a lot to the project. We both have a passion...
Possum Defense
You can play my submission to the Extra Credits Game Jam #6 on