
Dungeon Divers

Dungeon Divers is the BYU student game for 2019-2020. We're still working on finishing it, but will finish it during the summer of 2020. When it is done, we will release the game on Steam.

We had a large team of programmers and artists working on this team. It is certainly not an individual project. I specifically programmed the user interface for the game, including in-game HUD and menus.

When we have a final version of the game, I'll put a video here.

What I did

As the UI programmer, I worked with Unreal Engine 4's widget system to build User Interface elements. This involved learning Unreal Engine's API, working with other programmers to connect the data they added in the game with my widgets, and iterating quickly.

Redesigning frequently

Dungeon Divers was redesigned frequently (the original concept was very different from the final product) and each iteration required new user interface elements. Although this was frustrating at times, I built each element to be easily changed so that the quick iterations could be tested.

Scrapped Projects

Since the game changed so much, there were many things that I spent a lot of time programming that did not make it into the final version of the game. These include:

Final Project

What I learned

One thing I learned from this project is the importance of good project organization and production practices. The lack of deadlines on our project made it harder to collaborate. When we did have deadlines, they greatly improved everyone's productivity. I was sometimes assigned to add things into the user interface that represented mechanics that were not in the game and then were never added. This was a waste of time and better production practices could have fixed that problem.

I also learned of the necessity of user interfaces. Without me adding an interface representing a mechanic, the mechanic was often unclear to players. Since the user interface communicates the state of the game to players, if something is wrong in the interface, players are confused.

I also learned the necessity of building code that can change quickly and easily. If I did not use proper software engineering practices when writing my code, each refactor (which happened frequently) meant that having code that could be easily changed to fit new requirements was of utmost importance. Avoiding code duplication, for example, meant that when code needed changed, I could change it once and be done.